Cancer Types Treated at Infuze MD

Bladder Cancer

Bladder cancer is a relatively rare type of cancer that affects mostly older adults. It is likely to recur so even if you’re in remission it is always advisable to monitor closely with a urinalysis and bloodwork. The most common symptoms are blood in the urine, pain while urinating, frequent urination, and lower back pain on one side of the body. The 5 year survival rate of invasive bladder cancer without metastasis is 70%.

Brain Cancer

Brain Cancer is an abnormal mass of cells in or around your brain. Symptoms can vary depending on the location of the tumors, but generally include frequent and intense headaches, blurry vision, loss of balance, and seizures. Sometimes there are no symptoms that present. Given the nature of how important the brain is, the 5 year survival rate can vary widely depending on how aggressive the tumor is, its location, and your age. Aggressive therapies must be utilized to slow down the progression of the primary brain tumor.

At Infuze MD, we have incorporated several therapies to slow down and stabilize brain tumor growth, while improving quality of life.

Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the 2nd most common type of cancer in women (although it also may be found among men). Nearly 13% of all women will be diagnosed with breast cancer at some point in their life. There are many types of breast cancers and this may be determined by the location of the tumor in the breast and other factors. The most aggressive type is triple negative breast cancer. Fortunately, the survival rate is quite high at almost 91% if localized, however that number can go down to 29% if the cancer has spread to distant parts of the body. Breast cancer is one of the most commonly treated types of cancer at Infuze MD.

Colorectal Cancer

Commonly thought to only occur in red meat eaters, colon cancer is becoming one of the most common forms of cancer. This could be due in part to the amount of toxins found in our food. While colon cancer is found mostly in people over 50, we are starting to see people even in their 30s that are diagnosed with this type of cancer. It is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States, which is why constant monitoring and aggressive treatment protocols must be in place. Colon Cancer is one of the more commonly treated types of cancer at Infuze MD.

Kidney Cancer

Kidney cancer is a tumor in the kidneys. The role of the kidneys is to filter out waste products from the blood and this gets hindered when the kidneys are compromised. Fortunately, we can survive with only one kidney, however some people may require dialysis as the remaining kidney is overworked. Kidney cancer accounts for one of the top ten most common cancer types and is generally found amongst people over 65. We have successfully treated several patients with kidney cancer of varying stages at Infuze MD.

Liver Cancer

Liver cancer is becoming more and more common in the United States. The incidence of liver cancer has more than tripled since 1980. Liver cancer is a tumor that originates in the liver. The liver plays an important role in the absorption of nutrients, makes most of the clotting factors that keep you from bleeding too much when you are cut, and breaks down toxic waste in the blood. While surgery and radiation are the more common conventional therapies for treating cancer, we have seen recurrence if these are the only modalities utilized. At Infuze MD, our approach to treating liver cancer is comprehensive and often results in full remission when managed properly.

Lung Cancer

The lungs are one of the most fragile organs in the body. Lung cancer is an abnormal mass of cells in the lungs that may impair breathing and cause frequent infection. It is the second most common form of cancer, behind skin cancer. Common symptoms may include coughing up blood, frequent coughing, hoarse voice, and difficulty breathing. Because of the varying degrees of symptoms and complications, the survival rate of lung cancer can range greatly. At Infuze MD, we have dealt with treating lung cancer by supporting our clients nutritionally, boosting their immune system, and using inhalation and oxidative therapies.


Lymphoma can be very tricky to treat because it involves cancer that originates in the white blood cells or lymphocytes. There are 2 types of lymphoma: Hodgkin’s and Non-Hodgkins. The main difference between the two is the presence of a particular cell called the Reed-Sternberg cell in Hodgkin’s lymphoma. In either case, lymphoma generally is caused by a suppressed immune system and exposure to various types of toxins.

Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma has 4 stages:

Stage 1: Cancer cells are only present in one lymph node area.
Stage 2: Cancer cells are present in two or more lymph node areas but on the same side of the diaphragm.
Stage 3: Cancer cells are present in multiple lymph node areas above and below the diaphragm.
Stage 4: Cancer cells have spread beyond the lymphatic system.

Since blood circulates throughout the body, treatments must be aggressive and generally involves stimulating the immune system with customized immunopeptides, hyperthermia, heavy detoxification, and a lot of nutritional support.

Multiple Myeloma

Multiple Myeloma is a type of cancer where there is a mutation in the plasma cells found in the bone marrow. When these mutated cells become cancerous and multiply, they make an abnormal protein called monoclonal protein (M-protein). They can affect the bones, immune system, kidneys, and red blood cells. Because of the nature of this type of cancer, aggressive therapies must really be considered as the 5 year survival rate ranges can be as low as 40%. At Infuze MD, we have several patients that have been diagnosed with multiple myeloma. When combined with stem cell transplantation, our therapies produce a higher than normal survival rate, with many of our patients still thriving today.

Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian cancer involves a mutation in the cells of the ovary. While its still unclear how ovarian cancer forms, there is data showing that women with inherited gene mutation (BRCA1 and BRCA2) are at a higher risk of ovarian cancer.

Ovarian cancer can be very aggressive with a 5 year survival rate of 50%. Because of this, aggressive integrative therapies must be used including a combination of conventional medicine, oxidative therapies, detoxification, and immune stimulating therapies.

At Infuze MD, we have treated many patients with ovarian cancer and have greatly improved their quality of life along the way.

Pancreatic Cancer

Surprisingly, we are seeing a rise in pancreatic cancer since Covid-19 started. The pancreas is a vital organ that is responsible for secreting enzymes and hormones that are necessary for digestion and regulating blood sugar. Pancreatic cancer is a mutation of the cells in the pancreas. Because of how vital the pancreas is, this type of cancer has one of the poorest prognosis with an average 5 year survival rate of only 3.5 years.

At Infuze MD, we have treated many patients with pancreatic cancer using a combination of pro-oxidant and antioxidant therapies, mistletoe, hyperthermia, pancreatic enzymes (The Gonzalez Protocol), high doses of ALA (Berkson Protocol), photodynamic therapy with various photo-sensitizers, and customized DNA based peptide immunotherapy. If you have pancreatic cancer it can progress very rapidly, so treatment programs must be very aggressive.

Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is probably the most common cancer we treat among men at Infuze MD. The prostate is a small walnut-sized gland in men that is responsible for the transportation of sperm. Fortunately, prostate cancer is slow growing and tends to stay localized. However, once metastasis occurs, it can be very aggressive so we always advise men over 40 to start keeping a close watch on their PSA so it can be caught early. Prevention is always the best medicine.

At Infuze MD, we treat many men with prostate cancer using a combination of pro-oxidant and antioxidant therapies, immune stimulating therapies, anti-inflammatory therapies, and photodynamic therapy with various photo-sensitizers.

Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer with 20% of Americans developing skin cancer by the age of 70. Skin cancer has a very good prognosis, even with the most aggressive form of skin cancer (melanoma). The 5 year survival rate for melanoma is 99% if treated early.

At Infuze MD, the best approach to treating skin cancer is with immune stimulating therapies, pro-oxidant therapies, and hyperthermia. If the lesion is isolated, it can also be treated with photodynamic therapy and photo-sensitizing agents.

Stomach Cancer

Stomach Cancer is one of the more rare types of cancers and usually affects people over 65. More evidence is showing that poor gut health and obesity are the primary causes of stomach cancer. Fortunately, the 5 year survival rate for stomach cancer is 70%, if treated early.

At Infuze MD, we treat stomach cancer by focusing on gut health, heavy detoxification, using pro-oxidant therapies to weaken and stop the growth of new cancer cells, and using immune stimulating therapies to boost the immune system.

Thyroid Cancer

Thyroid cancer is a type of cancer that originates in the thyroid gland. More commonly found among the younger population, thyroid cancer has a relatively good prognosis. The 5 year survival rate for thyroid cancer is 90% if treated early.

Some of the more common symptoms of thyroid cancer are a lump or swelling in the neck, pain in the neck, constant hoarse voice, trouble swallowing and breathing, and a constant cough.

At Infuze MD, we treat thyroid cancer by focusing on immune stimulating therapies, pro-oxidant therapies to weaken and stop the growth of new cancer cells.

Uterine Cancer

Uterine sarcoma is a rare type of cancer that originates in the muscles or other tissues of the uterus. It accounts for a small percentage of all uterine cancers. The 5-year prognosis for uterine sarcoma depends on various factors, including the stage of the cancer at diagnosis and the specific subtype. Generally, the prognosis for uterine sarcoma is less favorable compared to other types of uterine cancer.

Risk factors for uterine sarcoma include advanced age, prior radiation therapy to the pelvis, certain genetic conditions (such as Li-Fraumeni syndrome), and prior exposure to tamoxifen. Early detection, timely treatment, and close medical supervision are crucial for managing uterine sarcoma effectively.

At Infuze MD, we treat uterine cancer by focusing on immune stimulating therapies, pro-oxidant therapies to weaken and stop the growth of new cancer cells.

Stage IV Cancer

Stage IV cancer, also known as metastatic cancer, refers to cancer that has spread from the original site to distant parts of the body. In this stage, cancer cells have invaded nearby tissues and potentially spread to lymph nodes and distant organs through the bloodstream or lymphatic system. Stage 4 cancer is considered an advanced stage and often carries a more guarded prognosis compared to earlier stages.

Clients with advanced stage cancer must be very aggressive with all treatment options available to them, both conventional and natural. At Infuze MD, we have a lot of experience with late stage cancers and have seen not only prolonged life, but an improvement in our client’s overall quality of life.

Schedule A Discovery Call Today!

Infuze MD is one of the most comprehensive and cutting edge cancer treatment centers in the United States. We have experience managing cancers of all types and stages and are ready to help. The first step is to schedule a Discovery Call to see if our center is right for you.

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