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Lyme disease ocular effects

Exploring Lyme Disease Ocular Effects – An Inside Look

Lyme Disease, known for its hallmark bull’s eye rash called erythema migrans, can have a significant impact on vision when it spreads. As the disease progresses, the potential for Lyme Disease eye complications increases, leading to possible rash around the eyes, warming sensation without itching, ocular irritation, and more Lyme Disease ocular effects. In this article, we delve into the essential aspects of Lyme Disease’s connection to vision problems. Learn about early diagnosis and treatment options to ensure long-term ocular health, and how healthcare professionals tackle this often misunderstood condition.

Key Takeaways

  • Lyme Disease has the potential to cause ocular complications, impacting vision and eye comfort.
  • Symptoms can manifest at any stage of Lyme Disease: early local, early disseminated, and late disseminated.
  • Early diagnosis and treatment play a critical role in preventing long-term ocular damage.
  • Ocular symptoms can range from mild eye irritation to severe inflammation and vision loss.
  • Seeking immediate medical attention for Lyme Disease suspicion is crucial, both for ocular health and general well-being.
  • Alternative treatment options, such as a holistic approach, may be considered in some cases.
  • Ultimately, vigilance and early intervention are key to minimizing the impact of Lyme Disease on vision.

Understanding the Link Between Lyme Disease and Vision Problems

Originating from Lyme, Connecticut, Lyme Disease is a complex condition that affects individuals in various ways, including their vision. In this section, we will explore the connection between Lyme Disease and vision problems, examining the ocular complications that can arise and the potential vision impairments associated with this disease.

The progression of Lyme Disease is characterized by three stages, each with a distinct set of symptoms that can impact vision. These stages include early localized, early disseminated, and late disseminated Lyme Disease, with the risk of ocular complications increasing as the disease progresses and treatment is delayed.

  1. Early Localized Stage: This initial stage may present with watery eyes, redness, and eye pain due to conjunctivitis or other mild inflammations.
  2. Early Disseminated Stage: As the disease spreads, individuals may begin to experience more severe symptoms, such as keratitis, uveitis, and light sensitivity.
  3. Late Disseminated Stage: In the most advanced stage, patients may face a higher risk of optic neuritis, which can lead to potential vision loss if not promptly and properly treated.

Without timely diagnosis and treatment, these eye issues can become severe, impacting the cornea and causing light sensitivity. To further illustrate the severity of ocular complications associated with Lyme Disease, consider the following table, which outlines the various vision impairments that may develop over time:

Stage of Lyme Disease Vision Impairments Associated Ocular Complications
Early Localized Watery eyes, redness, eye pain Conjunctivitis, mild inflammation
Early Disseminated Keratitis, uveitis, light sensitivity Inflammation of the cornea, iris, and ciliary body
Late Disseminated Optic neuritis, potential vision loss Inflammation of the optic nerve, retinal damage

In conclusion, understanding the link between Lyme Disease and vision problems is crucial for recognizing potential symptoms and ensuring proper treatment. By identifying the various ocular complications that may result from Lyme Disease, individuals can take proactive steps to manage their vision health and prevent further vision impairments.

The Erythema Migrans Rash: Clues of Ocular Manifestations

The erythema migrans rash, a hallmark symptom of Lyme Disease, may offer vital clues to possible ocular manifestations. While this rash is not typically itchy, its presence is indicative of the spread of Lyme Disease and can include the ocular regions.

Distinguishing Lyme Disease Eye Rash

Often preceded by a tick bite, it is important to recognize the characteristics of an erythema migrans rash. One distinguishing feature is that it is generally warm to the touch but not itchy. This eye rash, which can resemble a bull’s eye, has been associated with ocular manifestations of Lyme Disease, requiring prompt attention for appropriate diagnosis and treatment.

Association with Flu-like Symptoms

Beyond the telltale eye rash, Lyme Disease also presents with flu-like symptoms that may accompany the ocular effects. These systemic signs include joint pain, fever, and enlarged lymph nodes. The co-occurrence of flu-like symptoms and an eye rash provides valuable clues to potential ocular manifestations of Lyme Disease, emphasizing the need for a timely medical evaluation.

Understanding the connection between the erythema migrans rash and ocular manifestations serves as an essential first step in recognizing the potential for vision-related complications due to Lyme Disease. Early diagnosis and intervention can help prevent the advancement of these complications, safeguarding the overall ocular health of those affected by Lyme Disease.

Stages of Lyme Disease and the Progression to Ocular Complications

Lyme Disease, a tick-borne illness caused by the Borrelia burgdorferi bacterium, progresses through three distinct stages: early localized, early disseminated, and late disseminated. The Stages of Lyme Disease affect individuals differently, and the ocular symptoms may vary depending on the stage of the disease. As the disease progresses, individuals with Lyme Disease may experience a diverse range of eye symptoms. The progression of ocular Lyme Disease is marked by symptoms such as bull’s eye rash, watery or red eyes, keratitis, and eye pain. More severe manifestations, including arthritis, Bell’s palsy, and neurological symptoms, may not arise until months or years after the initial infection.

The following table details the common ocular manifestations of Lyme Disease at each stage:

Stage of Lyme Disease Ocular Symptoms
Early Localized
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Periorbital edema
  • Erythema Migrans rash near eyes
Early Disseminated
  • Episcleritis
  • Anterior uveitis
  • Optic neuritis
  • Keratitis
Late Disseminated
  • Arthritis
  • Neurological symptoms
  • Bell’s palsy
  • Choroiditis
  • Retinal vasculitis

It is crucial to recognize and address Lyme Disease eye symptoms to prevent severe complications and long-term eye damage. Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment can minimize the risk of ocular complications and help preserve an individual’s vision. If you are experiencing any visual changes or other symptoms mentioned above, consult with a healthcare professional to determine if Lyme Disease may be the cause.

Identifying Lyme Disease Eye Symptoms and Signs

Eye-related issues stemming from Lyme Disease can present with various symptoms that may often be mistaken for other conditions. It is crucial for individuals to be aware of signs indicating the impact of Lyme Disease on the optic nerve and recognize potential vision impairments brought on by the disease.

Lyme disease optic nerve impact

The Impact of Lyme Disease on the Optic Nerve

One of the prominent ways Lyme Disease can affect the eyes is by causing optic neuritis, a rare but serious condition characterized by inflammation of the optic nerve. This inflammation can lead to pain and vision loss, potentially mimicking symptoms of multiple sclerosis. Due to the severity of optic neuritis and the risks it presents, seeking immediate medical attention and undergoing necessary blood tests for diagnosis is vital.

Recognizing Vision Impairments in Lyme Disease

Various visual changes can occur due to Lyme Disease, often becoming more noticeable in the late stages of the disease. Recognizing these vision impairments early on can help expedite diagnosis and treatment. Common visual changes include:

  • Floaters
  • Blurry vision
  • Eye flashes
  • Double vision

It is essential to note that while these symptoms can significantly impact an individual’s quality of life, vision loss resulting from Lyme Disease is often temporary. With proper diagnosis and treatment of the underlying infection, many patients can experience a full recovery of their visual function.

Ocular Inflammations: A Symptom of Lyme Disease

Ocular inflammations and Lyme Disease have been found to have a complex relationship. Lyme Disease, caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi, can have a systemic impact on a person’s body, and this impact includes ocular inflammations.

  • Iridocyclitis: Inflammation of the iris and ciliary body
  • Vitritis: Inflammation of the vitreous humor in the eye
  • Choroiditis: Inflammation of the choroid in the eye
  • Retinal detachment: Separation of the retina from the underlying tissue
  • Panophthalmitis: Inflammation of all layers of the eye, including the retina, choroid, and optic nerve

Uveitis, another widely known ocular inflammation, is also one of the manifestations of Lyme Disease. It involves inflammation of the uveal tract of the eye, which consists of the iris, ciliary body, and choroid.

All of these inflammations can cause visual disturbances and discomfort, requiring proper medical attention and treatment. Identifying the connection between Lyme Disease and ocular inflammations is essential for accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Ocular Inflammation Symptoms Associated Visual Disturbances
Iridocyclitis Eye redness, pain, light sensitivity Blurred or hazy vision, floaters
Vitritis Floaters, eye pain, decreased vision Blurry vision, floaters, blind spots
Choroiditis Eye pain, blurred vision, floaters Blurred vision, scotomas (blind spots), and photopsia (flashes of light)
Retinal detachment Floaters, flashes of light, loss of peripheral vision Partial to complete vision loss
Panophthalmitis Severe eye pain, redness, swelling, vision loss Blindness

Although ocular inflammations due to Lyme Disease are often treatable, early intervention is crucial. If you suspect that you or someone you know may be experiencing ocular inflammations related to Lyme Disease, consult a healthcare professional as soon as possible to ensure appropriate and effective treatment.

Lyme Disease and Optic Neuritis: Understanding the Connection

In some cases of Lyme Disease, the spirochetes responsible for the infection can attack the optic nerve, leading to a condition called optic neuritis. This inflammation of the optic nerve can cause significant pain and vision loss, significantly impacting the daily lives of those affected.

Optic neuritis caused by Lyme Disease can often be mistaken for multiple sclerosis due to their similarities in symptoms. It is crucial for patients and medical professionals to be aware of the Lyme Disease suspicion to avoid misdiagnosis and implement appropriate treatment strategies. Let’s take a closer look at the factors contributing to optic neuritis in Lyme Disease, and some ways of differentiating it from other conditions.

Factors Leading to Optic Neuritis in Lyme Disease

  • Stage of Lyme Disease: Optic neuritis is more likely to occur in the later stages of Lyme Disease when the infection has spread further into the central nervous system.
  • Immune response: The body’s immune response to the Lyme Disease infection may inadvertently lead to inflammation of the optic nerve, causing optic neuritis.
  • Spirochete infiltration: In some cases, the Lyme Disease-causing spirochetes can directly infiltrate and damage the optic nerve, resulting in inflammation and vision loss.

Differentiating Optic Neuritis from Other Conditions

Given the similarities between optic neuritis caused by Lyme Disease and other conditions like multiple sclerosis, it can be challenging for medical professionals to make a correct diagnosis. However, specific factors can help differentiate between these conditions:

  1. Lyme Disease history: Patients with a history of Lyme Disease exposure or previous diagnosis are more likely to have optic neuritis resulting from the infection.
  2. Tick bite: A recent or past tick bite can provide valuable information about the possibility of Lyme Disease causing optic neuritis.
  3. Additional Lyme Disease symptoms: The presence of other Lyme Disease symptoms like erythema migrans rash, joint pain, and flu-like symptoms can point towards the likelihood of optic neuritis being associated with the disease.

Early diagnosis and intervention are critical in managing and treating Lyme Disease-induced optic neuritis. By understanding the connection between Lyme Disease and optic neuritis, as well as the factors contributing to it, patients and healthcare professionals can work together to identify and treat this vision-threatening condition effectively.

Lyme Disease Basics and Its Influence on Eye Health

Lyme Disease, caused by the Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato group of bacteria, is a vector-borne illness transmitted through the bite of infected black-legged ticks. This disease affects eye health in various ways, with pathogenic strains leading to several ocular conditions. The severity of these eye complications can range from mild to much more severe depending on the stage of the disease.

In the early stages of Lyme Disease, patients might experience symptoms such as conjunctivitis, characterized by redness, itching, and discharge from the affected eye. As the disease progresses, more severe intraocular inflammations can occur, impacting different parts of the eye and potentially leading to long-term vision issues.

  1. Stage 1: Early Localized Lyme Disease
  2. Stage 2: Early Disseminated Lyme Disease
  3. Stage 3: Late Disseminated Lyme Disease

The stage of Lyme Disease plays a pivotal role in determining the severity of the eye complications. The table below summarizes the ocular manifestations typically observed during each stage of the disease:

Stage of Lyme Disease Ocular Manifestations
Early Localized Conjunctivitis
Early Disseminated Keratitis, Iritis, Optic Neuritis
Late Disseminated Uveitis, Retinal Vasculitis, Neurologic Lyme Disease Ocular Complications

It is essential for individuals experiencing any ocular symptoms to consult with a healthcare professional promptly. Early diagnosis and treatment of Lyme Disease can help prevent more severe eye complications and preserve eye health in the long run.

Can Lyme Disease Affect Vision Directly?

Direct vision disturbances from Lyme Disease can indeed occur, with palpable symptoms often presenting in the disease’s late stages. These disturbances might include floaters, flashes of light, and blurriness, significantly affecting an individual’s ability to see properly. The connection between Lyme Disease and visual disturbances can stem from the pathogenic bacteria invading a variety of ocular structures.

During the late stages of Lyme Disease, the risks of encountering vision impairment become more pronounced. These visual disturbances may arise as the infection spreads throughout the body, reaching the central nervous system, optic nerve, and other essential ocular structures. As a result, vision impairments may manifest directly and significantly impact an individual’s quality of life.

If you experience visual disturbances or suspect Lyme Disease as a potential cause, it is crucial to consult your healthcare provider immediately. Early diagnosis and treatment are vital for managing the disease and its effects on vision to ensure a better prognosis and prevention of ocular damage.

  1. Floaters: These are specks, lines, or cobwebs that drift in the field of vision, becoming more noticeable against a clear background.
  2. Flashes of light: Brief, bright streaks may appear at the edges of the visual field, resembling lightning bolts.
  3. Blurriness: Vision may become hazy or unclear, making it difficult to focus on objects, read or discern fine details.

In conclusion, direct Lyme Disease vision effects can occur, and it is essential to remain vigilant about any vision changes you might experience, especially if you suspect Lyme Disease. Prompt consultation with a healthcare provider is crucial for proper diagnosis, treatment, and management of both Lyme Disease and its associated visual disturbances.

Lyme Disease Eye Issues: From Conjunctivitis to Uveitis

Lyme Disease, caused by the Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato group of bacteria, can manifest in various eye issues, affecting patients differently at each stage of the disease. Depending on the severity, Lyme Disease eye issues can range from mild conjunctivitis to more severe uveitis, a potentially painful inflammation involving various layers of the eye.

Conjunctivitis, a mild early symptom of Lyme Disease, typically presents as watery, red eyes, accompanied by a burning sensation and discomfort. Though relatively harmless, untreated Lyme Disease conjunctivitis may evolve into more severe eye issues.

Uveitis is a significant ocular complication due to Lyme Disease that involves inflammation of various layers of the eye, including the iris, ciliary body, and choroid. This condition can lead to long-term visual changes, pain, and even temporary vision loss.

A comprehensive understanding of various Lyme Disease eye issues is crucial for early diagnosis and prevention of potential complications. The table below summarizes several common eye conditions throughout the progression of Lyme Disease:

Eye Condition Description Lyme Disease Stage
Conjunctivitis Watery, red eyes with burning sensation and discomfort Early Local
Keratitis Inflammation of the cornea, causing light sensitivity and pain Early Disseminated
Iritis Inflammation of the iris, resulting in eye pain and possible vision loss Early Disseminated
Uveitis Inflammation of various layers of the eye, leading to long-term visual changes and pain Late Disseminated

It is essential for individuals experiencing Lyme Disease eye issues to consult with a healthcare professional promptly. Timely diagnosis and treatment can prevent further complications and help preserve eye health in patients affected by Lyme Disease.

Laboratory Testing for a Precise Diagnosis of Lyme Disease Eye Complications

Diagnosing Lyme Disease and its ocular complications requires accurate and comprehensive laboratory testing. By detecting the presence of Borrelia burgdorferi in specimens or confirming positive antibody tests, healthcare professionals can provide more effective treatment for patients suffering from ocular Lyme Disease.

Laboratory testing for lyme disease

A two-tiered approach, which includes enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) followed by confirmation through Western blot, is recommended for the diagnosis of ocular Lyme Disease. These tests help ensure specificity, accuracy, and reliability in identifying Lyme Disease infections causing eye complications.

  1. Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA): This test measures antibodies against B. burgdorferi in the patient’s blood. It detects the presence of specific antibodies, but it may sometimes yield false-positive results due to cross-reactivity with other bacterial infections.
  2. Western Blot: Utilized as a confirmatory test, Western blot detects specific B. burgdorferi proteins, minimizing the likelihood of false positives. This test is more specific than ELISA, improving the overall accuracy of the diagnosis.

As ocular Lyme Disease can have a severe impact on a patient’s vision and overall well-being, it is of utmost importance to establish a precise diagnosis. This two-tiered laboratory testing approach addresses potential diagnostic challenges while providing essential information to guide effective treatment plans.

Clinical Course and Treatment Strategies for Ocular Effects of Lyme Disease

Tackling the ocular effects of Lyme Disease involves a prompt and efficient intervention, with proper treatment strategies aimed at mitigating the potentially harmful consequences on the patient’s vision. The primary approach to address these ocular issues is early antibiotic treatment, which inhibits the progression from early manifestations to severe complications.

Antibiotics and Their Effectiveness in Treating Ocular Lyme Disease

Antibiotics constitute the mainstay of treatment for ocular Lyme Disease, as they directly target the Borrelia bacteria responsible for the disease. The efficiency of these antibiotics, however, depends on various factors, including the stage of Lyme Disease and the patient’s prior treatment history. Here, we delve into the specifics of antibiotic selection and their role in managing ocular Lyme Disease.

  1. Doxycline: Touted as the first choice of treatment for ocular Lyme Disease, doxycycline is effective at managing the condition in its early stages and may prevent damaging intraocular inflammation and potential vision loss.
  2. Amoxicillin: As an alternative, amoxicillin may also be prescribed, particularly for patients who are intolerant to doxycycline or for pregnant women.
  3. Cefuroxime axetil: This medication is another viable option for treating ocular Lyme Disease, especially when doxycycline is not an appropriate choice.

Central to the success of antibiotic treatment is early intervention, which can significantly improve a patient’s visual prognosis. Delayed diagnosis or treatment increases the likelihood of late-stage manifestations, making it increasingly crucial to swiftly recognize and address any ocular symptoms indicative of Lyme Disease.

Antibiotic Usage scenario Benefits
Doxycycline First-line treatment for ocular Lyme Disease Effective in managing early-stage Lyme Disease and preventing intraocular inflammation and vision loss
Amoxicillin Alternative option for patients intolerant to doxycycline or for pregnant women Offers a safe and effective alternative when doxycycline is unsuitable
Cefuroxime axetil Another choice when doxycycline is not an appropriate option Provides a viable option for patients unable to take doxycycline

In conclusion, prompt recognition of ocular Lyme Disease symptoms and timely administration of antibiotics can substantially mitigate the risk of vision complications. As the effectiveness of antibiotic treatment depends on factors like disease stage and previous treatment, it is imperative to work closely with healthcare providers to decide on the most appropriate course of action, ensuring the best possible outcomes for preserving eye health.

The Epidemiology of Lyme Disease: What the Stats Say About Ocular Effects

The epidemiology of Lyme Disease is a crucial aspect to understand in order to take appropriate measures and raise awareness among the general public regarding its potential ocular effects. With the majority of cases concentrated in the United States and Europe, Lyme Disease presents varied manifestations that directly impact the correct diagnosis and management of the condition.

As Lyme Disease prevalence continues to grow, it is essential to consider the various ocular symptoms that may arise throughout its progression. To further explore the stats on Lyme Disease ocular effects, let’s delve into the reported cases and associated eye complications.

Geographical Region Total Lyme Disease Cases Ocular Manifestations
United States 30,000 Approximately 1-2% patients experience ocular symptoms
Europe 65,000 Ocular manifestations vary, with more severe complications in late-stage cases

As the table above demonstrates, the United States reports a significant number of Lyme Disease cases. With approximately 1-2% of patients experiencing ocular symptoms, there is an evident need for accurate diagnosis and proper treatment of ocular Lyme Disease.

  1. Early recognition of ocular symptoms is paramount to prevent further complications and vision loss.
  2. Diagnostic testing must be performed as soon as possible to confirm the presence of Lyme Disease and initiate timely treatment.
  3. Collaboration between ophthalmologists, general practitioners, and other healthcare professionals is necessary to ensure appropriate management of Lyme Disease and its ocular effects.

In conclusion, ocular manifestations are an integral part of the broad clinical presentation spectrum of Lyme Disease. Understanding epidemiological data, while maintaining vigilance for signs of ocular effects, will lead to better management and treatment outcomes for those affected.

Approaching Lyme Disease Eye Conditions Holistically

Lyme disease is a complex condition with various symptoms, including ocular complications. A holistic approach to addressing these issues looks beyond just the eyes. It is essential to consider the patient’s overall health and well-being when devising a treatment plan. This approach has proven effective for many people, including those who have sought support from Infuze MD and Integrative Medical Doctor Dr. Abellera MD.

Infuze MD and Integrative Medical Doctor Dr. Abellera’s Perspective

As a dedicated practitioner, Dr. Abellera views Lyme disease and its ocular manifestations holistically. By looking at the whole person and taking an integrative approach, his goal is to treat the ocular complications alongside the condition as a whole. Through a combination of traditional medical interventions, natural therapies, and lifestyle adjustments, patients receive comprehensive, tailored care that addresses both their physical symptoms and overall well-being.

Scheduling a Consultation for Holistic Cancer Treatments

If you are considering a more natural approach to treat cancer or other health concerns, scheduling a consultation with Infuze MD in Milpitas, CA, or contacting Dr. Abellera at (408) 550-2375, is recommended. Holistic treatments may offer alternative options for care, and they can often be used in conjunction with other therapies to provide the best possible outcome for the patient.

In conclusion, dealing with Lyme disease eye conditions requires a multifaceted and comprehensive approach. Recognizing the importance of a holistic method, Infuze MD and Dr. Abellera MD dedicate themselves to providing integrative care for their patients, improving overall health and, consequently, the ocular complications associated with Lyme disease. Don’t hesitate to reach out and explore these alternative treatment options for your healing journey.


In conclusion, it is essential to recognize the variety of ocular impacts that Lyme Disease can have on one’s vision and overall eye health. From minor symptoms such as conjunctivitis to more severe complications like optic neuritis, understanding the potential outcomes of this disease is crucial in providing proper care and treatment. By staying vigilant for signs of Lyme Disease and seeking healthcare professionals’ advice when in doubt, we can better protect our vision and overall well-being.

As we have discussed throughout this article, early diagnosis and treatment are key in managing the ocular effects of Lyme Disease. Through proper laboratory testing, antibiotic intervention, and in some cases, a holistic approach to care, patients can experience improved outcomes and maintain their quality of life.

In our final thoughts regarding Lyme Disease and eye health, we must emphasize the importance of continued research, public awareness, and prompt attention to symptoms. By staying informed and proactive in addressing this complex condition, we can work together to ensure a brighter future for those affected by Lyme Disease and its ocular complications.


What are the ocular effects of Lyme Disease?

Lyme Disease can cause a range of ocular effects, including conjunctivitis, uveitis, keratitis, optic neuritis, and more severe intraocular inflammations. These issues may affect vision and require timely diagnosis and treatment.

How does Lyme Disease impact vision?

Lyme Disease may cause vision impairments such as floaters, blurry vision, eye flashes, and double vision, particularly in its late stages. In some cases, optic neuritis can lead to temporary vision loss, which may resolve with proper treatment for the underlying infection.

What are the stages of Lyme Disease, and how do they relate to ocular complications?

Lyme Disease progresses through three stages: early localized, early disseminated, and late disseminated. Ocular complications can occur at any stage, with the risk of more severe eye issues, such as uveitis and optic neuritis, increasing the longer treatment is delayed.

How is Lyme Disease diagnosed and treated when it comes to ocular symptoms?

Diagnosing Lyme Disease and its ocular complications involves laboratory testing, including isolating the B. burgdorferi bacteria or employing a two-tiered approach with positive antibody tests and confirmation by Western blot. Treatment typically involves antibiotics, with the effectiveness depending on the stage of the disease and prior treatment.

What is the connection between Lyme Disease and optic neuritis?

In cases where Lyme Disease spirochetes affect the optic nerve, optic neuritis occurs, leading to significant pain and vision loss. Due to its similarity to multiple sclerosis, it’s critical to inform healthcare professionals of Lyme Disease suspicion to avoid misdiagnosis.

Can Lyme Disease directly affect vision?

Yes, direct vision disturbances from Lyme Disease can occur, with palpable symptoms presenting in its late stages. If vision changes are experienced, immediate consultation with a healthcare provider is advised.

How can a holistic approach address ocular complications of Lyme Disease?

A holistic approach, such as the one offered by Dr. Abellera and Infuze MD, considers the patient’s overall health and treats ocular complications alongside the condition as a whole. This integrative stance may provide a more comprehensive treatment strategy for those dealing with the eye issues related to Lyme Disease.

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